How To Enable DTS Audio on your Android Device

DTS Audio
Android phones these days are sporting bigger and bigger displays, and tablets moving inversely towards being sub-10 inches for more convenience in handling them. The display resolution also is going higher every few months, with the Nexus 10 currently ruling the roost at a whopping 2560 x 1600 pixels. This makes these devices the ideal mode for consuming high-definition content while on the move. While that kind of resolution and pixel density can be very desirable, devices with lower resolutions than the Nexus 10 are perfectly capable of handling high-definition 1080p videos, and if your device has a brawny little quad-core Tegra 3 or similar processor inside, you don’t really need Nexus 10-like muscle to enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows or concerts while on the move.

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How To Enable DTS Audio on your Android Device
Enable DTS Audio on your Android Device

That said, a lot of high-definition content also comes with DTS audio. DTS audio, incidentally, has been quite problematic as far as Android devices go, simply because app developers who create media players for the Android platform just do not include support for DTS audio due to licensing issues.

So essentially, when you try and play a video that is encoded with DTS audio, you get an error message and no audio output. Bummer, isn’t it? But hey, this is the Android platform we’re talking about, which means that anything is possible, right? And while it may take a wee bit longer, there is always a solution that crops up sooner or later.

How To Enable DTS Audio on your Android Device

Here’s something I found in an online forum (not XDA), and that too in an Equiso Smart TV forum, of all places. This is a solution posted by Forum Member blkcamarozr28, which solved the DTS audio issue on my Nexus 7 in a jiffy. And while there are solutions and custom codecs available on XDA for use with MX Player, I had a hard time getting them to work, and eventually gave up, to take a shot at this solution which involves using Dice Player. And it worked perfectly on the first try, and I have been in a state of 1080p DTS bliss since then. Here’s how you can enable DTS audio support using Dice Player on your Android device:

How To Enable DTS Audio Support with Dice Player

  1. Download and Install DICE Player from the Play Store
  2. Download the DTS Audio Codec to your PC. Extract the downloaded zip file
  3. Transfer the extracted file to the root of the internal SD card on your Android device. DO NOT transfer it to a folder or sub-folder, but place it at the root of the directory
  4. Launch Dice Player on your Android device and open the Settings Menu
  5. Scroll down to Custom Plugin and check the box
  6. Exit the Dice Player Settings
  7. Profit!! You can now play DTS audio on you Android device.

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